About BISA

The Bachelor of Information Student Association proudly promotes BI students’ interests within the Faculty of Information. Its Executive Committee is composed of elected volunteers from the BI program. These volunteers work hard towards fostering unity and professional development between students in the BI program and the Faculty of Information through events, workshops, and social spaces; as well as seek representation and advancement of the BI program.

If you’d like to get involved, please head to our Members page for more information!



  • Foster unity, sociability, and friendship among members of BISA and the Faculty through events, workshops, and social spaces.

  • Facilitate professional relations between its members and the different programs within the Faculty.
  • Represent the Bachelor of Information students’ interests within the Faculty through the following ways:
  • Seek representation on decision-making bodies and committees concerning the Bachelor of Information program.
  • Promote the advancement of the Bachelor of Information program.

Executive Team

The executive team consists of six 2nd year and two 1st year BI students with the following titles: Co-presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Director, Outreach Director, Events Director, and First Year Representative.

Want to get involved? Take a look at our current executive members and their responsibilities to see what kind of positions we offer and what you’d be good at. Make sure to check our social media for updates on how to get involved and election dates!

coming soon
coming soon
I love studying the way humans think and interact with the world. Humans interact with information and technology a lot more now, so being a first year BI student has really expanded my learning and career opportunities in the design field. I specifically want to improve patient experience in the healthcare industry with my designs, so I am excited to learn and gain more skills with the BI program.
SelinCommunications Director
I am an aspiring designer who enjoys designing accessible and unique interfaces. I started my education as a computer science major, but later on joined the BI program because of its interdisciplinary nature. My hobbies are painting, playing the piano, and cooking. I am also a proud mom of three cats. You are most likely to run into me in a small cafe working on a digital art piece.
Leigh-AnnEvent Director
The field of information is really broad, but I’m really interested in the intersections between digital media, culture, technology and people. Outside of school I love being crafty, exploring new places, learning new things, and enjoying various forms of storytelling! I’m not entirely sure what career I want when I finish my degree but a helpful piece of advice someone told me once was “you don’t need to know where you’ll end up, you just need to pick somewhere to start”! Looking forward to meeting you all :)
I enjoy learning about animals and the environment and I love finding different ways to get others involved too. It can be really hard to be interested in something when you know little of it but taking the time to learn can also be challenging. Bridging that information gap is really important and I want to become much better at communicating across these divides. Plus I get to learn all these cool things from other people while I do it.
VenkatOutreach Director
I am an aspiring law student. I’m an avid political and automobile enthusiast. Whenever I’m not rabbling about political systems, economic systems, and the status quo, you can find me blogging, sketching in my room or just taking pictures of random things in everyday places, driving to new places, or playing the piano or violin.
Shae-LinnFirst Year Representative
As a BI student, I’m excited to expand my skill set in this unique new interdisciplinary program. I’m especially curious about how technology can be leveraged to support the wellbeing of others and our planet. When I’m not hanging out on the BISA Discord server with fellow students, I’m learning American Sign Language online, I volunteer virtually with the United Way, and I’ve recently discovered that I LOVE recreational ice skating.
VivianFirst Year Representative
coming soon


  • Oversee the management, coordination, and responsibilities of General Members and subcommittees.
  • Call and chair BISA’s Annual General Meetings & Executive Meetings.
  • Serve as a signing authority for BISA.
  • Represent BISA on the Faculty’s committees and council.
  • Manages the finances and maintains an annual budget of income and outgoing expenses.
  • Records all financial transactions of Co-Presidents, executive members, and subcommittee members.
  • Holds the signing officer authority along with the Co-Presidents for all financial decisions.
  • Presents a financial report on an as-needed basis.
  • Submits an end-of-year financial report to the outgoing and incoming Executive Members.
  • Sits on Faculty’s committees as requested by Co-Presidents.
  • Locate and contact external partners for sponsorships or speakers for BISA events.Finalize contracts to secure funding for events or any BISA related expense(s).
  • Assists with budget reports for different events and workshops alongside the Treasurer.
  • Works alongside Communications Director and Events Director to coordinate BISA events, and outreach related subcommittees
  • Coordinates any subcommittees related to outreach.
  • Sits on Faculty’s committees as requested by Co-Presidents.
  • Support and coordinate with the Executive Members in various general duties, tasks, and projects.
  • Understand and represent the needs of their cohort, more specifically, the incoming students.
  • Outreach to their cohort, informing them of upcoming opportunities and events through their communication channels.
  • Sits on Faculty’s committees as requested by Co-Presidents.
  • Sends out the agenda and internal calendar invites for Executive meetings.
  • Takes minutes at all BISA meetings.
  • Distributes the minutes within 48 hours of the last meeting to General Members.
  • Ensures the meeting minutes are posted online in the 48 hour timeframe.
  • Retrieves all BISA mail.
  • Sits on Faculty’s committees as requested by Co-Presidents.
  • Promotes BISA events using digital and physical marketing tools.
  • Updates and manages the BISA website as the webmaster and all social media platforms on an ongoing basis.
  • Maintains an online calendar on the website of outreach activities, including BI events, workshops, guest speaker appearances, and other communication opportunities.
  • Provides intermediary communication between General Members and the public.
  • Coordinates any social media event campaigns with Outreach Director and Events Director.
  • Sits on Faculty’s committees as requested by Co-Presidents.
  • Search and finalize agreement(s) with event speakers.
  • Organize logistics of any in-person or online events including food purchasing, room booking, online raffles, etc.
  • Coordinates with BI staff or internal iSchool network for any event related needs.
  • Conducts analysis post-event to evaluate its success.
  • Coordinates events with Communications Director, Outreach Director, and any related subcommittee.
  • Sits on Faculty’s committees as requested by Co-Presidents.